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Introductory course into the teachings of the Ascended Masters from Far East, 2019

Wrap up your human experience and transform it into WISDOM. Master your human mind and transcend its condition into the all-encompassing divine consciousness.
We invite you to start on your personal journey, a journey of rediscovering the true essence of your being, the true nature of your existence as a manifestation of Greatness and Love in this plan. For those interested to follow the ancient teachings of “The Ancient School of Wisdom”, the international courses will start in 2019.

Date: July 21st – July 28th, 2019
Location: Romania

Upcoming Event

Last Moments Of Time - Alien Races And Their Message To Humanity, 2019

In the Last Moments of Time, Humanity needs to find out the hidden truth about the alien races! Obscured information unrevealed to Humanity!
Come and join us for an unique adventure into the hidden truth of alien races with information about the Last Moments of Time, hidden knowledge, undisclosed information and many more unbelievable topics.

Date: March 30th – 31st, 2019
Location: New York, USA

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2-Day Teachings with Ambassador of Agartha Tamarinda Maassen

We will learn how the Spirit chose to be in every cell, in every thought, in every breath, in every action and especially, in every soul. Where the primordial meets the modern!
Come and join us for an amazing adventure into the sacred knowledge of Agartha with information about New Times Coming, Lost Knowledge, Medicine of The Future and many more unbelievable topics.

Date: September 22nd – 23rd, 2018
Location: New York, USA

Ancient Teachings International Beginners Course 2018

The Ancient School of Ascended Masters from Tibet is the source of an idea, the Wisdom, that was focused and became reality. This school is about something that is already known. It is about the ancient foundations about God, about humanity and the greatness of this world.

Date: June 24th – July 1st, 2018
Location: Romania


Agartha to Humanity World Symposium 2017

This will be the first step in a public disclosure initiative from those from the Inner Earth – the Kingdom of Agartha, to the people of Earth. We invite all of Humanity to attend this public Symposium – and learn more about this ancient civilization, and their timely message to Humanity.

Date: August
25th - 27th, 2017
Location: New York, USA

Lamda | Shanti Deus
Timisoara, Bld. Liviu Rebreanu, Nr. 45
Timis County, Romania - 300210
Oana: (0040) 747 079 016
Teo: (0040) 745 174 725

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